Well, it has actually got me producing more art, so maybe it is not that bad a thing after-all? There is definitely a beneficial side to being lost in your own head. It is not surprising considering I am on a new course, in my first year, attempting to find my path. And after a lovely chat with a lecturer about why she does art, why she decided to stay in this field and how she lives, I feel quite a bit better. Asuggested reading list by her with a book whose title starts with, "Why artists are poor..." might not be ever so encouraging in pursuing a bohemian life, yet at least it is realistic.
Having discovered the musical called 'Rent' makes me appreciate life more. Their song La Vie Boheme, which is a toast to the life of a poor artist, in particular. This compilation of some parts of the song, where they list everything that this bohemian life compromises of is inspirational, or very sadening, not really too sure which:
To days of inspiration,
Playing hookey, making something
Out of nothing, the need
To express-
To communicate,
To going against the grain,
Going insane,
Going mad
To loving tension, no pension
To more than one dimension,
To starving for attention,
Hating convention, hating pretension,
Not to mention of course,
Hating dear old mom and dad
To riding your bike
Midday past the three piece suits-
To fruits- To no absolutes-
To Absolut- To choice-
To the Village Voice-
To any passing fad
To being an us- For once-
Instead of a them-
Wine and beer!
To hand-crafted beers made in local breweries
To yoga, to yogurt, to rice and beans and cheese
To leather, to dildos, To curry Vindaloo
To Huevos Rancheros and Maya Angelou
Emotion, devotion, to causing a commotion,
Creation, Vacation
Mucho masturbation
Compassion, to fashion, to passion
When it's new
To Sontag
To Sondheim
To anything taboo
Ginsberg, Dylan, Cunningham and Cage
Lenny Bruce
Langston Hughes
To the stage!
To Uta
To Buddha
Pablo Neruda, too
Why Dorothy and Toto went over the rainbow
To blow off Auntie Em
La Vie Boheme
Bisexuals, trisexuals, Homo Sapiens,
Carcinogens, hallucinogens, men,
Pee Wee Herman
German wine, turpentine, Gertrude Stein
Antonioni, Bertolucci, Kurosawa
Carmina Burana
To apathy, to entropy, to empathy, ecstasy
Vaclav Havel- The Sex Pistols, 8BC
To no shame- Never playing the fame game
To marijuana
To sodomy
It's between God and me
To S & M
La Vie Boheme!
Either way it is interesting. It made me realise that I am most probably already living the bohemian life. Without the AIDS, which in itself is encouraging. My life span expectancy is not 10 years, or 20 with HAART medication. I have the full 80 or so years to live, hopefully. I might be struggling on HOW to live my life, at least I am not struggling TO live. It could all be a lot worse.